Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning

Edited by Garold Murray (Okayama University), Xuesong Gao (Hong Kong
Institute of Education) and Terry Lamb (University of Sheffi eld)
In this volume researchers from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America employ a variety
of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches in order to investigate the links between identity, motivation, and autonomy in language learning.
Xuesong Gao and Terry Lamb: Exploring Links between Identity, Motivation and Autonomy
Section I: Emerging Theoretical Perspectives
Ema Ushioda: Motivating Learners to Speak as Themselves
Xuesong Gao and Lawrence Jun Zhang: Joining Forces for Synergy: Agency and Metacognition as Interrelated Theoretical Perspectives on Learner Autonomy
Liliane Assis Sade: Emerging Selves, Language Learning and Motivation through the Lens of Chaos
Vera Lúcia Menezes De Oliveira E Paiva: Identity, Motivation, and Autonomy in SLA from the Perspective of Complex Dynamical Systems
Section II: Independent Learning Settings
Garold Murray: Imagination, Metacognition, and the L2 Self in a Self-Access Learning Environment
E. Desirée Castillo Zaragoza: Identity, Motivation and Plurilingualism in SACs
Linda Murphy: ‘Why am I Doing This?’ Maintaining Motivation in Distance Language Learning
Hayo Reinders and Noemí Lázaro: Beliefs, Identity and Motivation in Implementing Autonomy: The Teacher’s Perspective
Section III: Cultures and Contexts
Alice Chik and Stephan Breidbach: Identity, Motivation and Autonomy: A Tale of Two Cities
Stephen Ryan and Sarah Mercer: Natural Talent, Natural Acquisition and Abroad: Learner Attributions of Agency in Language Learning
Martin Lamb: Future Selves, Motivation And Autonomy In Long-Term EFL Learning Trajectories
Diane Malcolm: “Failing” to Achieve Autonomy in English for Medical Purposes
Neil Cowie and Keiko Sakui: Crucial but Neglected: EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on Learner Motivation
Jing Huang: A Dynamic Account of Autonomy, Agency and Identity in TEFL Learning
Garold Murray: Identity, Motivation and Autonomy: Stretching our Boundaries
Author information
Garold Murray is associate professor in the Language Education Centre, Okayama University, Japan. His research employs ethnography and narrative inquiry to explore autonomy, metacognition, and community in relation to classroom, out-of-class, and self-access language learning.
Xuesong (Andy) Gao is assistant professor at the Department of English, Hong Kong Institute of Education. His research interests include language learning strategy, learner narratives and teacher development.
Terry Lamb is based in the School of Education, University of Sheffi eld, England. He has published widely in the fields of learner and teacher autonomy, multilingualism, language policy, and teacher development.
Second Language Acquisition 210 x 148 (A5) 14/04/2011 280pp
Hbk ISBN 9781847693730
Pbk ISBN 9781847693723
Ebook ISBN 9781847693747
£99.95 / US$159.95 / CAN$159.95 / €129.95
£29.95 / US$49.95 / CAN$49.95 / €37.95
£99.95 / US$159.95 / CAN$159.95 / €129.95
Subject (BIC): CJC Language Learning, JMS The Self, Ego, Identity, Personality
Level: Postgraduate, Research / Professional, Undergraduate Territory: World Cat: 30, 45
Nobre professora Vera Menezes, meu nome é Maílson Santos, sou de Jucurutu/RN e estudo na Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. Estou atualmente no 7º período do curso de Letras - Habilitação em Língua Inglesa e preciso desenvolver meu projeto de monografia. Facinado por inovação no ensino-aprendizagem de LI, escolhi este como sendo o tema para meu trabalho de pesquisa, todavia, estou com grandes dificuldades para desenvolvê-lo, haja visto as limitações bibliográficas do campus onde estudo. Já realizei várias pesquisas na internet, porém não encontrei muita coisa relevante nesse sentido. Enquanto procurava um vídeo no famigerado "YouTube", deparei-me com um no qual uma pesquisadora cita vossa sapiência como sendo a orientadora dela. Refiro-me a Professora Dra. Eliane Carolina (UFG) que também tem estudos na área supra. Ficaria imensuravelmente grato se entrasse em contato comigo pelo meu e-mail: Tenho convicção de que seria um ganho enorme e uma contribuição maior ainda na pesquisa que estou desenvolvendo. Já fiz download de alguns artigos seus em sua página na internet. Atenciosamente, Maílson dos Santos Silva
Graduando do 7º período de Letras-Inglês/UERN/CAWSL
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